Sponsorship, Kits & Videos
Sponsor an Evacuee Families Patio Farm
- An impacted family will receive an Herb and Salad kit, 2 container fruit trees
- compiled by a student from within the Eaton fire zone $750.00
Patio Farms Kits:
- Vertical Growing Kit $350
- Contents: Vertical planter system, soil, 10 herb seedlings, watering can
- Herbs & Salads $450
- Contents: 3 medium containers, soil, lettuce/spinach/arugula seeds, fertilizer
- 5 small pots, potting mix, 5 herb seedlings, watering can
Video Subscriptions:
- Patio Farms and Gardens Installation and Setup $1100
- Course 1: Introduction to Patio Farms Basics
- Course 2: Container Selection and Preparation
- Course 3: Soil Science for Container Gardens
- Course 4: Planning Your Patio Farm
- Course 5: Plant Selection for Container Success
- Course 6: Planting Techniques for Containers
- Course 7: Growing Vegetables in Containers
- Course 8: Watering and Maintenance Essentials
- Course 9: Season Extension and Year-Round Container Farming
- Course 10: Creative Container Farm Projects
- Patio Farms and Gardens Integrating Science and Mathematics $1200
- Course 1: Foundations of Patio Farming & Gardening
- Course 2: Container Selection and Design for Limited Spaces
- Course 3: Soil Science and Chemistry for All Ages
- Course 4: Planning Your Patio Garden as a Family Project
- Course 5: Plant Selection Through Scientific Classification
- Course 6: Garden Planting as Scientific Experimentation
- Course 7: Growing Vegetables with Nutritional Science
- Course 8: Water Management and Environmental Science
- Course 9: Season Extension and Year-Round Learning
- Course 10: Interdisciplinary Garden Projects for Portfolio Development