Board of Directors


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead



Paul Cartwright, President

UK Royal Beasts LLC, CEO

Cathi Comras, Treasurer

Farming’s Future, Executive Director


Lisa Blomley, Secretary

R.N., CDE, Diabetes Education Nurse


Board Members

Dr. Lorenzo Sanchez

Hawthorne Unified School District
Teacher, Classical Pianist


Christina Wallerstein

Playopolis Special Ed Toys, Owner

Diah Wymont

Diah Diah Costumes, Owner


Jacqui Baric

White Raven Flying Studios,

Creative Director

Kyle Baric

Cal Poly Pomona – Cal Tech LIGO.


Alice Debbaudt

Founding Member